

Group News

GROUPS COORDINATOR Jenny Atterwell. Please contact Jenny by using the messaging link on the CONTACT page.

Jenny Atterwell. Please contact Groups co-ordinator (Jenny Atterwell)

Toftwood village hall has Vacancies for Groups, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please E mail for more information : olive.collins@hotmail.com

A Windows 10 Laptop, Digital projector and Gazebo are available to Groups on short term loan subject to availability. The Digital projector can project images via a USB stick without requiring connection to a Laptop.

Groups are responsible for the collection and return of any equipment borrowed.

Please contact Dave Terry :

Dave : Membership Secretary (Dave Terry)

Finally, in the loft are our "Memory Books" books, sadly neglected! They need someone to take them home and resume recording the highlights of our U3A in these “Memory Books”. There must be one artistic soul in our huge membership who would be willing to undertake this task!